African train millipede
Giant African train millipede
(Archispirostreptus gigas)
Housing: This millipede's terrarium should be at least 30cm in length and 30cm in height but the more space you can provide the better. The millipede is going to grow to up to 14" in length so they need a space large enough for them to move around in.
Heating:African millipede require a near constant air temperature of 21-23oC. This is best achieved by sticking a heat mat on one side of the glass enclosure. This heat mat is regulated using a thermostat to make sure the temperature stays constant.
As the glass is only being heated on one side this also creates a small temperature gradient within the enclosure allowing the millipede to warm itself up or move away to cool down.
Decoration: African millipede should always be allowed at least 2'' of substrate. We find the best substrate for this millipede is a soil mix called spider life.
The millipede's terrarium can be decorated with artificial plants for a more natural look. Small wood ornaments look very effective and also provide further perches for the millipede. Trailing plants are very good at disguising electrical wires and equipment, as well as providing cover for young millipedes.
Diet: Giant African millipedes eat vegetation. The core of the diet should be a mix of kale, cabbage, and leafy greens. We also always include small pieces of cuttlefish bone for added calcium. We would feed the salad daily to make sure they never run out of food.
Lifespan: 5-8 years
Difficulty Level: Beginner
Gestation 3 months, 100s of eggs
Conservation Status Least Concern
Russell McRae