Macleays Spectre Stick Insect
MacLeay's Spectre Stick Insect
(Extatosoma tiaratum)
Origin Australia
Suitability Suitable for beginners
Day temperature 18-30C
Night temperature Can be allowed to drop a bit
Humidity 70-80%
Max size adults can reach up to 15cm
Diet Rose, Bramble, Eucalyptus, Hawthorn
Housing A good setup will need to have plenty of ventilation that allows for good air flow, this will help prevent the growth of mould. It is essential that the enclosure is decorated with branches for climbing, you can use plants or bark for this. A substrate of coco fibre or moss can be used. The enclosure size should be minimum 30x30x45cm
Sexing Males are often more stick like with females being larger bodied. Some males will have wings, Macleay's stick insect males have wings and are able to float when moving around in the forest.
Life span 12-18 months
Russell McRae